UNBC Faculty Association

Welcome to the website of the University of Northern British Columbia Faculty Association (UNBC-FA)

Incorporated in 1994 under the BC Society Act and certified as a union under the Labor Relations Board of BC on April 29, 2014, the UNBC-FA negotiates, monitors, and upholds the conditions of employment for association members; it also promotes and supports the principles of academic freedom, non-discrimination, tenure, and high-quality post-secondary education. 

Do you know what our logo symbolizes?

  • Our physical environment (fish, fowl/feather and forest/plants).
  • Our scholarship (open book and plume).
  • The cyclical nature of our teaching semesters, and the cyclical nature of negotiating new Agreements with the administration.


Collective Bargaining

As the exclusive bargaining agent of academic staff, the UNBC-FA negotiates the terms and conditions of the Faculty Agreement (including salary and benefits) with the University’s Board of Governors.

Formal Grievances & Complaints/Member Advice

The UNBC-FA provides confidential advice and support to assist its members in informal resolution of conflicts, complaints and disputes, and through the filing of formal grievances where appropriate.

Evaluation, Tenure, Continuing Appointment & Promotion Processes

The UNBC-FA assists members in understanding UNBC’s performance evaluation, tenure/continuing appointment, and promotion processes on an individual basis or through information sessions and workshops.  The UNBC-FA appoints committee representatives to various committees to ensure fairness and due process.


UNBC-FA staff are employed by the Association, and both its staff and Executive Committee members will treat members and their issues and concerns with the utmost confidentiality.

Faculty Association Lounge

The UNBC-FA has a Faculty Association Lounge, which is located near the upper cafeteria and is available for the exclusive use of the UNBC-FA’s members.  Members must fill out a FAL Access Application form and have access added to their employee swipe card.


The UNBC-FA serves the interests of almost 500 full- and part-time members at UNBC’s Prince George and regional campuses. All faculty employed by UNBC-FA including tenured and tenure-track faculty members, senior lab instructors, librarians, and contract academic staff in all categories –are automatically members of the UNBC-FA and are entitled to receive its services.

The UNBC-FA acts as the sole bargaining agent for all UNBC-FA members, negotiating the terms and conditions of their employment as enshrined in the Faculty Association Collective Agreement. In addition, the UNBC-FA provides guidance and support for members throughout their employment, assisting with tenure and promotion, evaluation, and other processes. The association and its representatives play a vital role within collegial governance, consulting on all policies and procedures related to our members’ employment in research and teaching.

At the provincial and national level, the UNBC-FA represents the interests of its members and supports and promotes higher education through the Confederation of Faculty Associations of BC (CUFA-BC) and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).